An incredible sum of money is spent each week on lotto tickets by the population who hope to win the jackpot, but the truth is, if you had an advanced computer and a super-computer, you would be able to choose the six winning numbers by the end of the next week. We are not just talking millions of euros here, we are talking pure millions, because when you syndicate your numbers, you are also able to generate a block of millions.
Some people believe that there is some secret group of people who have special knowledge to tell who will hit the jackpot. Maybe they have inside information to the lotto companies? Probably, there are a lot of syndicates with a very long standing and you never know with whom you actually can get a share!
If you have not been a Bola88 player, you have no way to guess the winning six numbers, but you sure can get a share of a lotto syndicate. In case you want to join a syndicate, you must make sure that you pick people you know who have a high rate of winning the lotto. You could also ask your relative or friend with a good job and a good payout rate who is convinced to be a syndicate member.
Make sure you follow these simple steps and you will definitely win more than yourself. Why? Because when you join a syndicate, you are bringing others small advantages in return. Imagine if you had your own block of 6 numbers and you played them all, you would definitely win more than yourself! You would have the probability of at least a 12 number syndicate.
Some people think that you need to be a mathematical genius or an intelligence to be a winner and you need to by all means treat this venture as a job. All you need to do is to fill in the tickets yourself and you will gain the small amount of money. Playing the lotto is a job, but you would have more fun than a job which is dedicated only to a game.
There is no guaranteed way to win the jackpot. One way anyway, is to win with a block of numbers. Playing the lottery is a job, but we all know that this is not what we want, so why would you go to far for it? You might win but you will still lose more than yourself and this you can’t do much about.
When you syndicate your numbers, you can guarantee to win the jackpot every week. When you play in a syndicate, your small investment will definitely be paid off at least a few times. What could be better than that? Every week you can win from say 50 to 100 euros from a ekina. With a syndicate you deal with one less person, your chances to lose are reduced thus increasing your chances to win.
When you play the lottery you lose a lot, but when you play in a syndicate you even lose a little. How much do you think is produced by the lottery companies? They must be pocketing the money. The more syndicates you have, the more you can join, and the more you can win. With a lottery system you will always win more than with the usual lotto you play. Thus it is a win-win situation.
You must use your lottery system to limit the number of tickets you buy. Do not buy 5 times more than you can afford. It is also to your advantage to join a syndicate. You will have a lot of persons who will be willing to help you to buy the tickets. Then you will not need to buy them yourself.
Playing the lottery is a game of chance. This does not mean that there is no way to get out of it if you find yourself on a losing streak. If you are willing to work on your system, you can definitely improve your chances of winning. Just make sure you work on the patience and regular study of the last drawn combination. It will definitely pay off.